Cosmetic Dentistry

Our services

Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth reconstruction is the process of rebuilding and repairing the function and appearance of your mouth. This is done using multiple procedures at once. Full mouth reconstructions can involve anything from veneers, fillings, dental bridges, crowns, dental implants, or tooth extractions. This procedure not only repairs the teeth but also the gums to ensure total oral health moving forward.


A permanent solution to tooth loss is dental implants. There are three different types of implant procedures: single tooth implant, multiple teeth replacement, or full arch replacement. All types of dental implants are a fixed solution, and they function just like natural teeth.

Full Arch Replacement

When numerous teeth are missing or need to be replaced, a fixed bridge anchored to implants is the top solution. This is both permanent and also provides natural looking results. Unlike dentures, full arch replacements are a stable and beautiful solution that preserves your facial appearance and prevents bone loss. Over the course of 8-10 visits, there are x-rays, fittings, and preparations for the dental implants.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are medical-grade ceramic surfaces that are permanently fastened to your front of your teeth. Each set of veneers is custom fit for each patient and gives the appearance of natural teeth. Dentists typically use veneers for an array of cosmetic corrections, ranging from orthodontic adjustments to teeth whitening. However, you must have healthy teeth and gums to be a good candidate for porcelain veneers. Because they are so natural looking, veneers have become the most popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry. Depending on what type of veneer is appropriate for you, the process can be done over the course of a few visits.

Porcelain vs. Lumineers

Both porcelain veneers and Lumineers adhere to the tooth to provide an aesthetically appealing smile. Lumineers, however, require less preparation to apply to your teeth. These are also a reversible option, which porcelain veneers are not. Porcelain veneers are a great solution for broken or severely stained teeth. However, many veneer candidates should expect a lengthy preparation and application process, lasting upwards of 4 weeks. Furthermore, they are permanent and cannot be removed unless replaced by new veneers. This is a fairly expensive treatment, albeit the most popular one, for less-than-perfect teeth.

Lumineers are a brand of veneers that are low-to-no prep and need less dental work than the traditional option. They are made of ultra-thin laminate instead of porcelain and there’s no need to remove the outer layer of enamel on your teeth to apply them. This semi-permanent option can be removed easily by your dentist with minimal damage. While the cost is more or less the same, Lumineers are economical, as they can last up to 20 years on your teeth.

Call Smile Art at (610) 517-8042 to set up a consultation or use our Request Appointment form.